Every year Danica conducts a survey among seafarers. We look at all aspects of seafaring to get a real-life picture of how seafarers feel about their work, their conditions, their pay, their promotion prospects etc.

The survey also gives us a guide as to the types of vessels our seafarers are sailing on; the age, nationality and gender of our seafarers; their ranks and career progression; and the length of voyages our crew are generally taking part in.

We share this information with our seafarers, our ship owners, and our industry partners, as well as commenting to the maritime press about our findings. Our annual Seafarers’ Survey is proving to be a valuable source of information to the shipping community, helping to highlight concerns, sharing successes, and providing important statistical evidence of the life at sea. Last year more than 6,000 seafarers took part in our survey.

Your voice matters to us. Please click on the link below to share your thoughts and experiences. Together we can ensure that seafarers' opinions are heard.

Click here to take part in the Danica 2024 Seafarer Survey here



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